

Jan 13, 2024

Focus: Ladies, what do you carry in your handbag?

I am bringing one of my earlier articles back to showcase how important a lady's purse or handbag is. Do you use a purse? Do you use a handbag?

What items do you put in your bag or purse when you go shopping, when you are working or just when you leave your home and feel you might need to have a purse or handbag? I found an article that gave suggestions as to what might be found in a lady's purse or handbag that could be used in a variety of ways.

My mother always carried her purse when traveling to town, to camp, or traveling with my father. Her purse was always full and usually heavy to carry.

When she was alive, folks did not carry phones or all kinds of computer equipment. However, my mom was always prepared for various causes.

One day, she and dad were going somewhere in the car and dad had a problem with the car. He told mom that he probably could fix the car if he had a screwdriver but there wasn't one in the car. Mom said, just a minute as she reached into her purse and pulled out a screwdriver. Need I say more?

I remember watching a program that asked the audience of ladies to look in their handbags or purses for a certain item. If someone happened to have the item in their purse or handbag, they would win a gift.

I also remember watching a program where several important ladies were guests on Oprah's show. She asked these important lady guests to empty their purses to see what was in them. Sometimes, ladies would rather not reveal what items are in their purses.

I also read an article in "Woman's World" that shared some of the items carried in a purse could be important for various uses. These ideas come from Joey Green who is the author of Fix-It-Magic.

Do you carry lip balm in your handbag? Lip balm can be used to coat a stuck zipper. Lip balm can be used to seal a small nick, scratch or small cut if you do not have a Band-Aid. The smooth, waxy base forms a seal on the skin to help stop the bleeding. Did you know that your lip balm contains ingredients like menthol and camphor which can also help with the minor pain of a cut?

Most ladies, especially Moms, carry hand sanitizer in their purses. Most ladies carry an ink pen also. Did you ever find the lid off your pen and marks inside your purse or on your clothes? Never fear, hand sanitizer which contains isopropyl alcohol helps to remove the ink stains.

If the ink is on your fingers, rub your fingers with hand sanitizer to remove the ink. (One caution with hand sanitizer and young children is to remember that hand sanitizer is stronger than some alcoholic drinks. If your little ones rub the alcohol on their hands, make sure their fingers do not go into their mouths. Children have become intoxicated when putting fingers in their mouths or licking their fingers after using the hand sanitizers.)

Another use for hand sanitizers is to use a little dab on a price tag which will not come off an item. Soak the tag with the sanitizer and then use a coin to remove the tag from the item.

Do you carry dental floss in your purse? The extra strong thread can be used in case you break your shoestring, lose a button, or it can hold your broken eyeglasses together. Don't forget the reason you carry the floss. Floss your teeth. I have read that flossing your teeth can add years to your life.

Do you chew gum and have gum in your purse? Keep an extra stick in case you need to fix a hole in a tire. Chew the gum and then put the gum on the hole. Once the gum hardens, it molds to the rubber forming an airtight seal. Chewing gum can also be used to reattach a hem that comes loose when you least expect it. Thread is the usual remedy. However, many women carry a needle and thread in their purses in case of an emergency.

Do you find yourself getting out of your car ready to go to a special meeting or out to dinner and find you have static cling in your skirt or pants? Do you carry hand lotion in your purse? Rub a dab of lotion on your hands and smooth your palms over your skirt or over pantyhose if you are wearing them under the skirt or pants and that static cling goes away.

If your shoes are a bit dingy, spread a little hand lotion on them, rub them with a cloth and they become shiny. I have used Vaseline on patent leather shoes to make them look shiny and clean. Vaseline also keeps the patent leather soft.

The next time you fill your purse, remember these tips and make sure you are prepared for the untimely incidents where you need something in a hurry to fix something you did not expect and do not have the proper item needed.

I’m sure you have other tips of items you carry in your purse that help you in an emergency. Maybe these ideas are the reason our purses are larger, have more compartments, and are more expensive to purchase. I like a purse that has lots of small compartments for all that I carry.

However, I am usually prepared with all that I need. Now, if I could just find everything in my purse when I need it. Maybe that is why I do not like to change purses very often.

Ladies, take inventory of the items in your purse. Do you have everything you need? Is there something in your purse you would not like to dump out on a table? Keep your purse close at hand.

Also, remember that a lady's purse is one of the most collectible items for germs. Where has your purse been lately? Don't forget to use a little sanitizer on your purse, especially the bottom. If your purse is cloth, wash it in your washer and hang it up to dry.

Most ladies would be lost without their purses and now you know why. Our purses carry everything we need in case of an emergency.

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